My hope is that no matter which traditions your family chooses during the holiday season
they are paired with peaceful times and happy children.At the Center for Montessori Education it's been a special year and it gives me pause to think of all of the gifts I have received over the past several months.
At the Washington Montessori Institute it has been a pleasure to work with Jennifer Shields, Janet McDonell and Jamie Rue; such a dedicated group of Montessori trainers that truly devote themselves in service of their students so that our graduates can make a lasting difference in the lives of children. Thank you JJ and J.
Each summer, Loyola comes alive with dozens of Montessori teachers from all across the county. This past summer our students arrived with big ideas and lofty goals. They came to claim an education for themselves and commit to the highest standards of professional excellence. The picture I chose for this entry is Dr. James Snow's Educational Research class - I love the looks on their faces, an indication that the intersection of purposeful work in a pleasant environment can produce joyful scholars. Thank you Dr. Snow.
This summer we also had a number of firsts: our first graduates from the Houston Montessori Institute and the Southwest Institute for Montessori Studies in Phoenix. Additionally, new students joined our program at the Greenville Montessori Institute in South Carolina. Thank you students and partners (new and "old").
2016 also saw us welcome new friends to the Center for Montessori Education; Dr. Ann Epstein joined forces with Dr. Andree Rolfe to produce a world class course in Special Education taught from a Montessori perspective. I believe it is the finest short course treatment of Montessori Special Education in the world. I have heard our graduates comment that they use the resources from that course as much as their albums! Thank you Drs. E and R.
Our alumni continue to amaze us: whether it's Carrie Lange at the Baltimore Montessori Charter school, a double graduate of Loyola, who took up the Educational Leadership program at John's Hopkins and is providing incredible support to her school; Or Jessica Richards who sends me pictures of her classroom in Queensland, Australia. I am amazed by the passion and commitment that our graduates put towards our movement. Thank you Graduates.
Finally, I can't help but acknowledge a few organizations that help to promote our Center and support our mission. Friends such as the Judith Cunningham at the Montessori Model UN program, WMI graduate Wendy Calise at the Montessori Teachers Institute for Professional Studies, and Jackie Cossentino at the National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector. Thank you friends.
So let's enjoy this holiday season, treasure all of our gifts and come back relaxed and refreshed; ready to carry out the ambitious work that Dr. Montessori called us to take up, in service of the child.
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