Wednesday, October 7, 2015

New Friends

I have just returned from a whirlwind tour of our partner institutes.

The first stop was just up the road in Columbia, where I met the new Primary and Elementary students at our home grown training center, the Washington Montessori Institute. It was the first day and there was so much enthusiasm and energy in the air - great to see.

Next stops: San Francisco, Portland, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Phoenix. Carrie pinch hit for me in San Diego - though I promise to get out to see that cohort soon! I am extremely lucky to be able to be on hand when the next great leaders of our precious and important movement are born.

In all, 118 students have been admitted into our graduate program in Montessori Education this year. A number we are very proud of: but makes me think of a meeting that I had in my first week as a Head of School...

I was taking over the leadership of the Montessori Country School in Ontario, Canada and my predecessor agreed to spend a week with me to get me oriented. I needed it! By Friday, after a week of policy review, risk assessments, procedures and budgets, I noticed that she had gathered her belongings and was standing at the exit - waiting to be dismissed :)

I went over to shake her hand and I knew that she had one more thing left to say.

"Any final words of advice," I asked.

She just smiled and said "Don't Count".


So today I will stop counting, the new students are no longer applications, interviews and essays. They are part of the fabric of the Loyola Community. I look forward to welcoming each of them on to campus when their time comes and playing a small part in their journey.


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